
RMUTP English Camp 2015

The 7th RMUTP English Camp 2015

During 17th – 22nd May 2015, International Affairs Division of Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhon held the 7th annual English summer camp at Botany Beach Resort, Pattaya. It was joined by 82 RMUTP students and 14 camp leaders from across the United States.
The purposes of the camp are to provide experience in learning the English language with native speakers, to increase English proficiency, to raise the student’s knowledge of American customs, traditions and culture and to create friendship among RMUTP students.
The camp not only consisted of daily class sessions, but also indoor and outdoor activities in order to create an amusing atmosphere while learning English lessons. In addition, both camp leaders and campers enjoyed exchanging cultural knowledge at the same time.
The closing ceremony of the camp took place in the evening of May 22nd which was honored by the presence of Assoc. Prof. Supatra Kosaiyakanont, the President of Rajamangala University Phra Nakhon as the chairman and other distinguished guests: Dr. Suwanna Klomjit, Assistant to the President for International Affairs and Mr. Gumporn Suwannachim, lecturer of the Faculty of Business Administration.
On the closing ceremony day, President Supatra Kosaiyakanont shared a memorable speech and extended her appreciation to the staff of the International Affairs Division for the hard work and dedication, Dr. Kris Rugsaken for his long commitment and dedication to RMUTP and the camp leaders for their hard work during the camp. Finally, there were many spectacular shows: Ramwong or Thai traditional dance performed by the camp leaders, Muaythai and Miss Tiffany show by RMUTP students.
At last, the camp ended, departing words were shared, but friendship and experience will always bound those who joined the camp together.

Story by
Atthaphon Kongphisutkun

Edited by
Andreas Pergher














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