The President of Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhon (RMUTP), revealed that the Office of the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) has announced the results of the Integrity and Transparency Assessment (ITA) for the fiscal year 2565. In the category of higher education institutions, RMUTPÂ scored 91.42 points and received an A-level evaluation (pass). This score ranked second within the group of Rajamangala University of Technology institutions and 24th out of 86 evaluated higher education institutions.
The evaluation encompassed various aspects including corruption prevention (100%), disclosure of information (100%), operational quality (95.93%), duty performance (92.94%), exercise of power (89.92%), budget utilization (86.56%), corruption problem-solving (86.37%), government asset utilization (85.74%), communication efficiency (82.52%), and work improvement (80.85%).
President further mentioned that this assessment outcome reflects the university’s dedication to upholding ethical conduct, working with honesty, adhering to moral principles in management, fostering transparency within the organization, and elevating communication efficiency to benefit service recipients, contacts, and stakeholders. He emphasized that the results will guide the university’s comprehensive development plans in the coming fiscal year to further enhance all dimensions of the organization.