On August 30, 2022 Dr. Wiratpach Asampinpong, Head of the Marketing Department, Faculty of Architecture and Design, Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhon (RMUTP), presided over the opening of the project aimed at enhancing students’ entrepreneurial skills in the digital era. The event took place at the 6th floor meeting room of the Faculty of Industrial Education, RMUTP Phra Nakhon Campus. The project was organized by the University Business Incubator (UBI) and was attended by over 100 students from various faculties of the university, ranging from year 1 to 4.

The objective of this project was to provide students with practical experience in becoming digital-era entrepreneurs. It aimed to enhance their business knowledge and readiness to start their own businesses or further develop existing ones upon graduation. The program included lectures on topics such as creating visually appealing images and product photography using mobile phones. The speakers included Mr. Tatarin Saengmi-Arnapap, Adjunct Faculty of Fine Arts, Chiang Mai University, and Ms. Sunan Lorsombat, a former photographer from Post Publishing Public Company Limited. They shared their expertise in skill development, creative thinking, and innovation in various professional fields.

Through this project, students were encouraged to create artworks, inventions, or innovations in their respective fields of expertise and commercialize them. The program also aimed to establish networks for developing new entrepreneurs, creating career opportunities for students that align with the digital era and the lifestyle of the new generation.